experiments tipo 2

experiments that stem from a certain philosophy but remained an idea until now..
way to exhibit. strong exhibition.model..

space as a machine.. that you play.. that is being played/

unpredictable machine..

dynamic. changing

way of presenting something -> making it possible to experience ITS experience.. not only reflecting your personal experience of >it<..

-- open source of possible experiences
ways to present something..
and further..
very closely!!!!!!! connected to

important!!! using the rules in a serving way..

using them as a motor, a catalyser
but never forgetting its playfulness..

life as a game

reframing issues/parts of your life, shift of consciousness, change of perspective..

rules that can offer in a playful manner a completely new experience..

bringing you
outside of your knowledge of experience..
outside of your usual patterns..

rules as a rhythm..
come back.. remind..
are able to reshape.. in their rhythmical behaviour..

... een beweging die zich voortdurend herhaalt.. (spel van licht, golfen..)vergelijke -> book: de actualiteit van het schone; hans-georg gadamer

easy.easier to accept the rules due to the limit of time?!

easy.easier to accept due to the frame//context of a game

1 ------ creating rules (-> aiming on behavioural patterns mainly..)

2 ------ executing them on a daily base

3 ------ optionally: setting a time.limit for this rule.experiment

4 ------ aim: getting into completely new atmospheres by the element of surprise by the condition of the set rules

rulez for the rulez
.be aware of the aim you're following with the rules

.set a time frame in order to allow yourself within that timeframe to fully dive into it

.choose one rule that is outside of your comfortzone

.manipulation or change of patterns can be accepted to a certain level..
make sure you are aware of the wholeness of the experiment.. and of the fact of manipulation..

.>force< yourself to follow the rules.. but be aware of the higher goal..
--> use the rules as a motivation
--> use the rules as a motor for courage!
or put in a different way:

.think of
--> realistic but radical
--> radical but realistic



offering a catalogus of rules..
every rule or set of rulez circle around one issue.. one topic..

such as..
.usage of language..


rules that aim on behavioural structures
that substitute and old behaviour
or: are creating a new behaviour

--> re.educational tool..

inspired by

jumping off point for various thoughts.

find a partner or group to strengthen the obligatorial character.. that helps you to arrive at the point of surprise

allow yourself - with the genuinity and at the same time the enthousiasm of a child to follow the rules..
the art of unlearning..
trust instead of control for the best possible outcome